Wednesday 7 January 2015

Austria in its whole beauty

A lot of Austrians know this feeling. You’re on an excursion with your school visiting a place you find really boring and you see a lot of tourists.  At this moment you just ask yourself, why anybody would want to see Austria voluntarily.  Well, I think we are used to see all the sights and the landscape and we just don’t appreciate them anymore. Lots of people around the world, however, love Austria and there are some good reasons if you think about it.


First of all, we have beautiful mountains, which are perfect for skiing and snowboarding. A lot of famous people come to Austria to do winter sports as well and even competitions that attract a lot of tourists can be watched here. One mountain which is visited by most of the tourists is Großglockner in the Hohen Tauern Range in Tyrol. With 3,798 metres height it is the highest mountain in Austria.


In addition to the breath taking mountains we also have enchanting lakes, to be exact more than 300 in total. Lake Bodensee in the West and Lake Neusiedlersee in the East are one of the most famous lakes we have. In summer a lot of tourists come to Austria for swimming in these lakes and in winter for ice skating. There are also people who love to fish there.

Cities & Sights

However, not only the landscape of Austria is attracting foreigners, but also cities like Vienna or Graz. The tourists love the sights which can be found there.


Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna:

From the 18th century until 1918 the palace, which was designed by the architects Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach and Nicolaus Pacassi, was the residence of the Habsburg emperors. It is full of decorative art and a Baroque ensemble. Furthermore, it declared a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage in 1996.

St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna:

The Romanesque and Gothic cathedral is located on the Stephansplatz in the first district of Vienna. It was largely initiated by Duke Rudolf IV and is one of the largest churches in the world. Furthermore it is seat of the Archbishop of Vienna, Christoph Cardinal Schönborn and is mother church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vienna. During World War II the roof of St. Stephen’s Cathedral got damaged but rebuilding started immediately.

Clock Tower in Graz:

The Clock Tower of Graz is 28 metres high and it was built in the 16th century in place of another tower. The clockhands are “inverted”. The small clockhand shows the minutes and the large one shows the hours.

Famous for Austria is also Schnitzel. You can ask anybody what they associate with Austria and they will definitely say Schnitzel. The original Schnitzel is a breaded escalope of veal.
Here's a funny video for you guys! ;)

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