Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Extraordinary traditions around the world

Hey! Lately, I thought about what topic to choose for my next blogpost and the idea of writing about different traditions popped up in my head. However, I wanted to create a blogpost someone actually wants to read and so I thought of looking up extraordinary traditions around the world. Let’s start!

Yanomami Burial Ritual (Venezuela & Brazil)
For the Yanomami tribe in Venezuela and Brazil Funeral rituals are very important because they want to ensure peace for the souls of their dead relatives. Therefore, it is forbidden to preserve or keep parts of the deceased person.  After someone died his body has to be cremated. The ash and the bone powder are made to a soup and the relatives of the dead person eat it. They think that the spirit of the decedent is going to live within them forever.

Pregnancy traditions in China

All parents want a successful pregnancy and the Chinese people have some special traditions to ensure it. For instance, the husband has to carry his bride over hot coal when entering the house for the first time. While being pregnant a woman should not attend funerals and their house should not be renovated. Furthermore, it is said that gossiping has a bad effect and reading good literature has a good effect on the pregnancy. To keep away evil spirits knives are placed under the bed of the pregnant woman.

Baby throwing ritual (India)

This tradition has been in practice for about 700 years by Hindu and Muslim Indians. It takes place once a year. A man with a basket on the back climbs onto a 10 meter high religious shrine on a rope. Arrived on the top he takes out a baby of the basket and swings it in the air while exclaiming a chant. Then suddenly he lets the baby drop. Below there is a group of men catching the baby with a blanket. This ritual is thought to bring the baby luck and to keep it healthy and safe. Additionally, it ensures prosperity for the family.

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